Internet connections

One of the basic services provided via a direct fibre-optic connection is internet access.
Fibre optic technology allows for symmetrical fibre connections (or redundant fibre connections with speeds of up to multiples of 10Gbps!
Additional benefits include:
  • Fixed IP addressing (IPv4 and IPv6)
  • Shortest technically possible packet routing times to the edge router (less than 1 millisecond)
  • Full monitoring (also of the physical layer)
  • Full possibility to use own PI addressing and BGPv4 protocol (included in the service price)
  • connection speeds unattainable with any other technology (radio, e.g. LTE or DSL-based)
  • No sharing of transmission medium with other users (Layer 3 connection is determined directly at the edge router)

Quick and reliable publishing is ensured by network of Juniper routers, which direct connections to all Polish exchange points, many global operators (Tier1) and direct connections to international exchange points in Frankfurt (DECIX0) and Amsterdam (AMS-IX).
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